《暗黑血统2》支线任务Wandering stone如何通关

时间:2014-02-10 15:16 来源:互联网 作者:未知 我要评论 相关内容

  《暗黑血统2》支线任务Wandering stone攻略


  Left Arm: Found near the entrance of The Scar.

  Right Arm: Go to The Shadow Gorge(fast travel to The Shattered Forge). Run to the "W" on the map in the word Shadow.

  Left Leg: Travel to Baneswood. Make your way towards The Charred Pass. You will find this after the archway, a little before the second "S" in "pass".

  Right Leg: Fast travel to The Fjord and run East. You will find this in the South indention in the map.

  Forge Land 从 Stone Father 左边一条路一直走到底能找到两块身体,右边一路走到低能找到两块身体,具体记不得在哪了,但肯定的是,都在道路的边上,不需要在空旷的地方寻找。

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